
  • Nursery-
    We offer nursery services for every service for children 2 and under. We welcome your babies, and assure you they will be cared for as He would have us care for them.

  • Children’s Church- We offer Children’s Church during services, where we teach your children about Jesus in an age-appropriate format.

  • College Outreach- Mountain Ridge cares for, and ministers to college students, understanding they need a home away from home and a place to serve. We strive to be that home.

  • Bus Ministry- We provide rides, free of charge to anyone in need of transportation to services.

  • Nursing Home- We bring our services to those in the area nursing home, understanding that we are the Church, and it is not the building.

  • Visitation- We routinely visit our shut-in members, as well as participate in community outreach, seeking souls.

  • Livestream- We broadcast our services live through Facebook for those who cannot attend.

  • CD & Tract Ministry- We provide CD copies of our services for personal edification and worship. We also have a vibrant Gospel based literature ministry, including monthly daily devotionals booklets.